精選最優質的高嶺土 經過七十餘道工序 透過成熟的手工繪製技巧 以傳承六百餘年的釉下彩技術 高達一千三百八十度的超高溫燒製而成 其瓷質白潤 色彩豐富透亮 不含鉛鎘等重金屬 環保安全 且永不褪色 其上飾以福音經節 在豐富生活的同時 亦可滋潤心靈
Tayouan Underglaze
We select the best quality kaolin.
More than seventy procedures and skillful hand-drawing techniques.
In 600 years heritage of underglaze color technology.
Treated with up to 1380 Celsius ultra-high temperature, brings a white, elegant and translucent porcelain with crystal-like bright colors.
Non-toxic, heavy metal free and the colors endure forever. Decorated with Gospel sentences, enrich your life while nourish the soul.